MM Books
Tougher To Love
The snow hasn’t even attempted to thaw when Ian’s life is turned upside down. His only sister is murdered, leaving him as the sole family to his 14 year-old niece. As an uncle, he’d been there for them, but he is clueless when it comes to actually seeing to Terra’s well-being. Muddling through, they become closer, healing together through the trauma, and slowly begin to feel like family.
Ian has a deep secret though. Not even Terra’s mother knew, and when Caleb is the officer to deliver a freezing and terrified niece to his door, that secret is in jeopardy of being blown sky-high.

Second Chance Summer
Brice has a crush. Unfortunately it’s on a friend’s straight younger brother, Jake. Brice knows chances are between slim and none for anything more between them, but no one says he can’t fantasize about the hunky guy. When Jake’s teenage daughter, Rebecca, enlists Brice’s help for a final paper for school, Brice and Jake get the chance to really know one another, bonding over Brice’s garden into friendship.
Except their friendship gets tested and reshaped when Jake volunteers to come stay with Brice for a couple of days after he’s injured by a student. Jake has a history no one knows about. And Brice is the one man capable of reawakening dormant feelings in Jake.
Will Jake be able to embrace yearnings he hasn’t experienced in twenty years? Can Brice trust Jake’s changes to be real? It’s a challenge for the both of them, but no one said love would be easy.

Finding Home
Sometimes that imaginary line in the sand is the only thing stopping you from loving.
Parker is homeless. He’s hot, tired, hungry, and thirsty. He has never expected miracles in his short life. They don’t happen to him. When he’s picked up on the side of the road by a well-meaning grandfather, he’s driven to Jasper. Another small town on another long stretch of highway. One that would be nothing but a place to get a meal with the twenty he reluctantly accepts from the compassionate driver.
Ian can well remember the sight of his niece that long ago morning Caleb brought her shivering, terrified, and homeless to his door. Unable to leave the young man, he offers the first kindnesses Parker will have known in more than three years.
Through Ian, Caleb, and their family, Parker regains his dignity, and his ambition to reach goals taken from him. It’s a slow process for him because trust doesn’t happen overnight. But by the time he’s found a family, love, and dreams, he also realizes he may have found home.
Finding Family
Can Parker have the family and future he craves when his past won’t let him go?
Parker and Will have found that rare peace that comes with sharing a life with the man he loves, and Parker is ready to inject something a little more…rambunctious into their lives. After spending so much time with his adoptive family, he realizes what’s missing is the addition of a child, to make their house a home for someone that needs what they can give. Safety, support, and love. What those in Jasper have given him without question.
Only he learns it’s not as easy as signing a few documents and taking a test or two. Rigorous applications bring them to a hurry and wait for that phone call that could change their lives forever. Except, one becomes two and suddenly their world has doubled!
When his past shows up on his doorstep, will it jeopardize his family? How far is Parker willing to go to keep his family together?
Breaking From The Past
Is Kyle willing to risk his heart to save the ranch he called home?
Kyle Steppen’s life has gone to hell. Betrayed by his employer, he’s left holding the emotional shards of his soul as well as the few remaining strings to a failing ranch that has been home for more than seven years and he’s running out of time to save it before the tax man comes for his due.
Expecting a woman on his doorstep to help unravel the financial quagmire, he’s completely cut off at the knees by Adrian Balderas, a brilliant financial mind and a rapier wit to go with it inside one of the most beautiful and delicious-looking men he’s ever set his eyes upon.
Kyle is broken and broke. He’s not putting his hopes into any one wish, not salvaging his home, and he can’t even think about his heart.